Monday, September 28, 2020

Benedict T. Palen, Jr Explains How To Master The Art Of Organic Farming!

 It is evident that we dwell in an era that is filled and loaded with toxins, pollutants and chemicals. There is constant emission of such harmful and hazardous substances in the environment. There are more and more people prey to harmful and dangerous diseases nowadays due to such environmental issues. A substantial percentage of young people are also victims to health problems due to it. The worst part is that such a polluted and harmful environment can not only impact our physical health but also mental health conditions, as per medical researches and studies. Important studies show that such an environment are the causes if mental health degradation such as anxiety, psychosis, depression, dementia and also childhood cognitive development.

Benedict T. Palen, Jr
The adverse effects of toxins and hazardous substances on our health system

They are adversely affecting the entire eco system today more than we can imagine and the ones who live within it. Toxins and harmful substances have become a literal and unavoidable part of our lives. They are everywhere in everything today. But one of the worst concerns is their presence in the things we eat. BenedictT. Palen, Jr, the expert of agro farming and the fifth-generation farming professional believes ‘We are what we eat.’ Hence organic farming has become a growing trend among the modern population today and a sign that you are stepping towards a health conscious life.

Why go for organic farming

Organic farming is nothing but the potential to grow your own food with your expertise. It is a great way to avoid pesticides and chemicals that are injected in the food items we buy from the market. It is an approach towards bringing yourself and your family the healthful life that you desire. So let’s take a quick look at important and practical tips to master organic farming, in the light of the renowned agro expert Benedict T. Palen, Jr.

Talk to organic farmers

If you are beginning from the scratch, the best minds to guide you in this would be organic farmers. They are experienced and well-informed about the specifications ad requirement you will need. You can also look for organic farming services online for better ideas.

Choose and use your space right

Just choosing a yard is not enough for growing crops and plants. Make sure the area you choose is equipped with the resources need for your farming. Water supply, farming equipment connection, shades are some examples.

Always take the climate into account

The climate will always play a significant role in the long run when it comes to organic farming. Not all crops grow in all climatic conditions. Do your part of the research to ensure nothing goes in vein.

Learn how to make natural fertilizers

Making natural fertilizers include optimal nutrients that shall help you enhance the growth of the crops. This often includes mulching, composting and utilizing bio-fertilizers. You can also look for ready-made natural fertilizers for purchase online, if you prefer.

A healthy life begins from where we start caring about the things we choose to input in our bodies. This is the reason many people today are focusing on organic farming. Its time you pay heed to it too!

Monday, September 21, 2020

Farming Expert Benedict T. Palen, Jr provides Master Tips To Blossom Your Gardening Business!

 With the rolling of time, people are advancing their thoughts and ideas about business as well! Not all wants to be confined n boundaries of typicality or a one to five desk job. Speaking of unique earning ideas, gardening business is making a significant mark when it comes to a venture choice today. A large percentage of people are passionate about gardening. But many are finding ways to transform this beautiful passion into a full-time or part-time profession.

Benedict T. Palen, Jr
As per the fifth generation farming expert who have been an honoured part of the agro-industry for more than a decade, encourages the idea of gardening business significantly. As per his affirmations, the potential of profit is high in gardening ventures with opportunities to get creative in plenty of areas. Pesticides, native plants, edible plants, are some of the areas that one can brush on when starting a gardening business.  However, one of the most lucrative fields as of now that one can focus on in his gardening venture is organic farming.

BenedictT. Palen, Jr explains the unbeatable demand for organic farming

With his years of journey in the farming and agro industry, his faith in organic gardening is unshakable. In this era of toxins, pollutants and chemicals, a large percentage of the world’s population are reliant on organic products when it comes to edible items. Everyone looks forward to live a healthy life and eating or using organic products are one of the most accessible ways to do so. Also the increase in health ailments and diseases are diverting the choices of people towards organic industry. Hence, as per Benedict T. Palen, Jr, if you are brainstorming gardening ideas, this is one of the ideal options that you can go for.

However, gardening ventures demands more potential than justthe skill of gardening. One will require business savvy strategies that will help them transform their passion as a profession. With the rising popularity of the idea of gardening as a business, the competition is also at the peak in certain areas of farming. This is significantly required when it comes to making your business stand out in this fiercely competitive world.

Business card– Business cards are simple and tactful tools to promote any new business. This will add an edge to your business profile.

A website – This is twenty-first century and a website can serve great as a marketer for your business online. There are many cost-friendly services nowadays that you can look up for.

Your community – Community networking is a great tool to use when you are a beginner. The best business begins at home and you can put some efforts for that. Consider a mini league of from your locality or nearest neighborhood to promote your business via simple mediums or word of mouth. This can be quite a powerful way to roll the wheels of your venture at the first place.

Insurance – Lastly, get the right gardening business insurance as this will keep you at gain if you own any valuables your gardening business operation.

So get going and start wheeling your venture’s very first step today!

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Benedict T. Palen, Jr Clears The Concept Of Fruit Bagging

 There are some fruit trees that offer a scene of beauty for every season. It starts in the spring with the pretty blossoms and ends in autumn with a showy fall beauty. Instead of all that, at the end of the day, every gardener wants their fruit trees to bear ripe and juicy fruits. However, common plant diseases, insects, and birds can end up ravaging your precious crop. This is the main reason why many of the gardeners have started growing their fruits in bags.

Benedict T. Palen, Jr
So, should you follow suit and put bags on the fruit? Here’s what Benedict T. Palen, Jr, an experienced farmer, has to say in the matter.

Should you start bagging the fruits?

At the time of planting the fruit trees in the backyard, your plan was not to start growing the fruits in bags. However, you might not have comprehended back then about the amount of maintenance the fruit trees would need. For instance, commercial farmers who want to get blemish-free, beautiful apples, spray the apple trees often and too early with fungicides and pesticides.

They start spraying the apples in early spring or late winter, and keep repeating it every week through the harvest. It might be more work than you have expected to do and chemicals that you hoped to use on the trees. This is exactly where you start wondering whether you should bag the fruits or not.

Bagging the fruits makes sense if you consider the face that most of the diseases, birds, and even insects attack fruits from its outside. Putting bags on the fruits mean covering the young fruits with clean plastic bags before they start ripening. The bags offer a protective layer between the outside world and the soft fruit.

Benedict T. Palen, Jr believes that by growing the fruits in bags, you get to avoid all the spraying that is done to maintain their health. These plastic bags will prevent the diseases from attacking them, insects from deforming them, and birds from devouring them. It will not affect the growth of the fruits in any possible way.

Growing the fruits in plastic bags

The Japanese were the first people to have started bagging fruits. In fact, the Japanese have relied on using little bags for protecting fruits for centuries now. They initially used special silken bags that were made just for the fruits. But, some growers started using plastic bags, and they noticed that these bags worked fine too.

So, if you have decided to try this proven Japanese technique, here is the method you must follow. The best thing to use are zip lock bags. Try to choose the fruits that are still young and small, and cover each of them with the zip lock baggie. Zip the bag as closely around the stem as you can. Cut the lower corners of that bag to let moisture to drip down. Keep the zip lock bags on until the harvest time.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Benedict T. Palen, Jr Outlines The Reasons To Begin Using Compost For Your Garden

 You can buy compost from your local nursery or generate it at home by using leaves, grass clippings, and kitchen wastes like vegetable and fruit excesses to the compost bin. This bin functions as a silo, which houses decaying and fermenting organic matters until it is ready to be used in your garden.

Benedict T. Palen, Jr

While most people know that compost is a great thing to use, here’s outlining all the reasons why it is so. Benedict T. Palen,Jr highlights all the reasons to begin using compost for your garden.

Compost has a good quality of humus

While breaking down, most composts have a certain amount of humus content in it. Humus happens to be the byproduct of the compost after decaying is done. It has nutritional content, but not nitrogen. The key benefit associated with hummus is that it can absorb water. Healthy gardens need compost to gain nutritional diversity. Besides, humus is the main component of the topsoil.

Porosity and soil structure comes from compost

Benedict T. Palen, Jr says that soil structure comes from the right mix of the organic particles (humus and compost) with inorganic particles (clay and sand). Good soil is crumbly enough with air pockets to allow easy farming.

Compost can bind to sandy soil, creating a condition where it can absorb more nutrients and moisture. It can also bind to clayey soil particles to create air pockets to let the nutrients and moisture to penetrate into these type of soils.

So, compost can improve the soil conditions, regardless of the type of soil where you do the farming.

The roots of the plants love compost

The wonderful soil structure that can be created by compost lets the roots take up water and nutrients effectively. It helps the roots to spread despite the constraints of the dense soils. So, the health of your garden remains well-maintained.

Composts have the ability of moisture retention

Studies have shown that adding a pound of compost to about a hundred pounds of soil can increase the water retention ability of the soil by four gallons. If the amount of compost is increased to five gallons, the same amount of soil would hold twenty-five gallons of water. You can increase the moisture retention ability of any kind of soil with compost.

Compost brings down the stormwater runoff

Compost functions like sponges, and thus, it lets fewer amounts of rainwater to enter the storm drains. Runoff such as excess irrigation and rainwater have a tendency to pick up garbage, pesticides, grass clippings, and other types of pollutants that can damage the sea life when they end up in the ocean. Therefore, you are not only saving your garden, but also the surrounding water bodies through composting.

So, as you can see, compost can do a world of good to your garden. Thus, you should start making your own compost from today, if you have not done it already.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Benedict T. Palen, Jr - Why Should You Think Of Having Garden In Your Apartment?

 Gardening is more than just making a section of your yard for cultivating flowers or vegetables. It can also provide many other benefits such as assisting the environment or offering stress relief by taking care of home gardens.

Benedict T. Palen

Gardening offers individuals a place to go play around in nature and forget about their problems for a while, and at the end they have appetizing fresh vegetables or stunning flowers. Home gardens are simple to make and you do not essentially need a vast plot of land. If you wish, for instance just to beautify your windows with a flower box that can be considered as your little garden. In addition, the flowers can offer nectar for the butterflies or bees, so you are also assisting out nature.

You can also have a small garden if you stay in an apartment, particularly if you have a veranda. All you need to do is get a few huge containers, some seeds, dirt, or baby plants, then add some fertilizer and water and a little care. You do not need a lot of large gardening tools. A simple kitchen fork or spoon can be used to plant your small garden.

If you do have a vast area to make into a garden. You can even select to make something like a tree nursery to assist grow needed trees to assist the environment. Trees and other plants take in the CO2 in the air and give off oxygen, so the more trees the better so we have fresher air to respire.

Here are the reasons for having gardens at apartments:

  • In the present times, it is simple for some people to ask, why home gardens are needed when you can just go to the grocery store and purchase vegetables. But, the fact is that home grown vegetables taste a lot better than the ones you purchase in the store. And when you do gardening at home, you do not have to worry about mean chemicals getting onto your food. All you need is a part of the yard, a few basic gardening tools, and some seeds or baby plants to begin.
  • It is a perfect way to show kids where their food comes from and assist them to love vegetables as they get the fun out of developing them. With the rise in obesity recently, gardening is a way to make eating vegetables entertaining, plus working in home gardens assists to burn off calories. Few schools have started having a small garden for children to tend to. And these are not only teaching the children about nature, but also are assisting to stamp out hunger as they get to eat what they make.
  • Another great thing about gardening is that it can assist ease stress in quite a few ways. Studies have shown that working in home gardens can reduce the formation of the stress hormone cortisol. One study showed that 30 minutes of gardening was better at alleviating stress than 30 minutes of reading.
Benedict T. Palen, Jr., has three decades of knowledge working in management, operations, and agricultural investments. Right now, Benedict T.Palen, Jr., serves as co-proprietor and manager for Great Plains Farms, LLC, administering all from the appraisal of farmland to offering proposal on operator training and irrigation development.