Thursday, July 28, 2022

Know The Best Ways To Boost Crop Yield With Benedict T Palen Jr.

 The soil fertility and quality depend on the farmers because they are true masters of nurturing it. The effective crop yield is essential to maintaining the level of the crop. The crop yield is a land’s profitability indicator and one of the key factors in determining successful farming.

So, farmers should have the best idea for improving farming yield, and BenedictT Palen Jr. can guide them in this relation. With years of experience, the person can give the best consulting service and maintain crop yield.

Having balanced micronutrients is vital

Giving correct nutrients to crops is necessary; this is how you should measure the right amount of micronutrients. Some of the micronutrients are boron and zinc, which helps enrich the soil and make it perfect for crop yield. Choose the right use of a product that helps nurture the soil and get the best yields from it. This is where you can get suitable assistance from specialists in the field and go by the right steps for crop yield. 

Prepare seeds before planting

It is one of the essential steps to follow to get the desired germination. Before you prepare the seeds for planting, spraying the right amount of Thiamethoxam 30 FS is better. It coats the seeds and helps with proper planting. It gives the plant a better nutrient supply and strengthens them from within. It acts like a vaccine and helps in absorbing nutrition better. 

Strong roots show ways to better crops

It is gibberellic acid that helps crops develop a robust system. This is important for suitable plant growth as it allows the plant to soak adequate nutrients and boost its strength. This is how you can nurture to get high-grade food items from correct farming methods. This can also prevent the chance of disease in the firm.

Improved crop yield can increase the number of fruits and crops you grow. With better crop yield during plant development, it will give better results. It can grow plants in multiple folds, sure to show better results in the latter stage. Ask experts like Benedict T Palen ensure the proper use of the acid to boost plant growth.

Manage pests better

It helps manage pests and pestilence in the best way possible. Regular monitoring is necessary, and you can get proper assistance from an agricultural consultant in the field. It helps optimize the farm produce. Try to follow the instruction of the specialist for better outcomes. With this, you get to know of early control, which is better than deploying later remedies.

Crop rotation is important

Crop rotation gives ways for the crops to breathe and rejuvenates them. It removes the pressure that comes from growing any crop. Certain crops absorb nutrients from the soil; other crops only add to them. Having nutrient-rich soil for use is imperative and can effectively help crop rotation. Proper nurture and nourishment can make a difference and help get a high crop yield. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Get Tips From Benedict T Palen Jr. To Focus On Pre-Planting And Post-Planting Tasks In Agriculture

 Do you know what all is included in pre-planting tasks in agriculture? There are also post-planting tasks, and having an idea about these will help one make suitable agricultural decisions. The pre-operations are like series that require correct farm management and include the sowing of seeds. The pre-planting phase is essential and creates the foundation for a crop's success and further survival. This is where you can ask for an expert idea from a specialist in farming, Benedict T Palen Jr.Failure to plan for the pre-planting task can impact the field adversely and often have poor yields.

Some steps to follow in the pre-planting period are bush clearing, burning trash, mound making, selecting the right site, preparing the nursery, mulching, thinning, pricking, and hardening.

How does the selection of site take place?

Selection is vital as the pre-planting task and site selection should be based on the site, soil fertility, land topography, water requirement, place of work, and others. These are important to consider and would impact the final yield positively.

·         Type of soil – It should be considered as per the farm location. It determines the site growth and how it will impact soil and final yield from the farming land.

·         Nature of the land – It determines whether chosen land is level or hilly and whether it will be suitable for cultivation. To cut the cost of land preparation and prevent erosion problems, you must select the right land perfect for your cultivation and yield.

·         Availability of inputs such s planting items and labor –It should be easy for the workers to reach the farm where the work would be carried out. There should be easy availability of crop planting items. The transportation problem should be considered when selecting and farm site.

Details of planting operation

·         Seed treatment – It is mainly dressing of seeds so that they can perform adequately for farming or planting. It should also help in sprouting and germination in the best way possible.

·         Spacing and planting – It is mainly the distance between two plants. It should be done carefully so plants get adequate space to bloom in their complete form.

·         Seed viability – It is required to test the viability of seeds and whether it would be suitable to plant the embryo seeds. Though you can get viability details from the manufacturer, going for its test can help the farmer better.

·         Seed rate – It is the number of seeds that are required for a particular planting area. It should be as per the quantity of a specific area. Farmers should have the right idea for the best planting results.

·         Planting date – The date varies with several factors like climatic conditions, species, crops, and others. It is better to plant crops during March and May or late August as it would give quality results during this time.

So, farmers should try to go by the guidance of experts in agriculture and farming. This shall help them get better yields as per the right farming time. 

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Benedict T. Palen, Jr - What Are The Top Tips To Follow To Maximize Farming During Dry Seasons?

 Dry season farming gives effective yields if it is appropriately planned and implemented. It can cover up for poverty and food deficit in the nation, but one has to go through correct methods that help boost the level of farming during the dry seasons. Despite scientific and technological advancements, the weather is an important deciding factor in the outcome of agriculture output.

This is where you can get suitable guidance from a specialist in agricultural farming Benedict T Palen Jr. There is variation as per daily and annual in the temperature and how it would impact fields during the dry season. Here, precipitation also affects the final field level for the dry seasons.

Let’s take a look at the tips to follow for dry-season farming.

Plan it right

During dry seasons, a good irrigation system can be the best solution. It should be set up for the best farming results. This is where it is essential to conduct a detailed analysis on the return to get the faring investment, and experts like Benedict T Palen Jr. can help you correctly. The critical aspect of the study is to cultivate the crop perfectly. The cultivated crop will help generate better profit from the fields.

Prep up the land

Land preparation is an important part and is different for the dry season than what is done for the wet seasons. The land is prepped up by clearing, grading, and smoothing, making it perfect for coping with the dry season. After the soil is tilled, fertilizer can easily be added to the water for better yields. Make sure to follow the steps right that will help you get suitable retains from the preparation and help maintain the right condition of the land during the dry season.


It involves the science behind planting and designing a good water supply source. It is mainly helpful for a place that receives little to no precipitation. This can reduce the chance of low rainfall or drought impacting the growth of the crops right.

In this relation, rain gun irrigation and drip irrigation are the main sources that can bring better returns. These are useful when planning to grow vegetables like tomatoes and crops like millets and rice. The irrigational system has its set of benefits that the specialist can help you know better before implementing them for the best outcome.

Planting trees

Early morning or early evening planting is preferable during the dry season for better results. There should be correct plant distance and spacing to ensure that each has enough space to grow in its complete form. Also, it is important to water the plants daily after planting them. This is where a robust irrigation system is the best option and can give better returns. Go by the advice of Benedict T Palen Jr. so that you know that you are following the correct steps during dry seasons. Try to make a suitable plan before the onset of dry seasons.