Friday, December 21, 2018

Farm Safety Considerations By Benedict T. Palen, Jr.

Farming is widely considered to be a very dangerous occupation, and according to some statistics, as dangerous as construction.  That being said, it is worth thinking about the differences in safety awareness and accident protocols on a typical farm and construction site.  Having had experience in both industries, the differences can be somewhat surprising.

Benedict T Palen Jr

For instance, on most construction sites, one would find personnel who have had various levels of safety training, ranging from basic first aid, up to CPR.  It is typical on a construction site to have multiple first aid kits, along with protocols for getting injured personnel to the nearest hospital, to accident investigation procedures.   Periodic safety training classes are given, and having trained personnel and a written safety program not only help to ensure a safe workplace, but they can result in lower insurance premiums for the company.

Many farms, even the larger ones, do not seem to have the same level of safety awareness or training.    For instance, thinking about the last farm that you have visited, do you know how many personnel are trained in CPR? Do you know how many first aid kits are in vehicles and buildings?  Do the personnel know what to do in case of an accident? Is there a written safety program?

Sadly, the answers to many of these questions might be surprising—in a negative way.   The safety culture that is often engrained on a construction site is frequently lacking on a farm, especially ones with small numbers of employees.    Given the difficulties in attracting qualified labor to many farms, it would seem that having a safety culture would be a “hook” for bringing capable employees into a farm situation. 

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