Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Hemp Production By Benedict T. Palen, Jr.

Hemp production has become the hot new trend in agriculture in parts of the US, with acreages tripling, or more, from prior levels.   This has caused the prices received by farmers to nosedive in many cases.  From the perspective of a 40 year veteran of agriculture’s cycles, things will level out, and those producers who know what they are doing, and who follow sound agronomic and marketing practices, will do well over the long run as the demand for the multiple uses for hemp continues to grow.
Benedict T. Palen, Jr

For anyone looking to get into the business for the first time, there are a few things to put at the top of the list of factors:

·         Do you have enough capital to get the crop from planting through harvest?  Many ag banks will not provide financing for hemp growers, so cash in pocket may be a necessity.
·         What % of your farm will you devote to hemp?
·         Have you talked to other growers in your area who have tried and failed/succeeded with hemp?
 Do you understand why some fail, and some succeed?
·         Do you have a reputable seed source?
·         Do you have a marketing plan?  Is the price guaranteed?  Do you have an act of God clause in
          your contract?
·         Are you better off (less risk) to partner with an experienced grower and share land, capital, and
           other assets

By no means is this a complete list of key topics, and each situation and growing area will create other variables.  A word to the wise—walk before you run, into this business.

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