There is no second thought that agriculture is the world’s largest industry. In some way or other, it is through agriculture that the entire world looks up to for production. Well, be that as it may, as the population is increasing, so is the demand for agricultural items. Be it crops or the raw materials for the factory, the excessive demand to meet the world is now much the effect of climate change. Ocean acidification, incretion of Co2 and a change in biodiversity are what we are facing. Apart from all these irrecoverable damages, Benedict T palen Jr says smart farming is the lender of last resort.
An idea of smart farming
If you are an individual interested in farming, you
need to know about smart farming. Smart farming, which is also known as 4.0 or
digital agriculture, is a technology-driven application. This application has
been designed to enhance and further optimize the complex farming system. It
also has the ballistic capability to work seamlessly with farming types of
The way smart farming works
Smart or digital farming is the basic that boots and
incorporates the communication and technologies also equipment that are related
to farming. A few intricate technologies are being used, like IoT and cloud
computing are introduced. Even in some sectors, the usage of artificial
intelligence has been reported. Thus, you can see there is no such specific
guideline about how digital farming is to be used, but there will always be
this evolution that you will need to constantly cope with.
The techniques of smart farming
As of now, know that smart farming will come with a much need for
technology; thus, you will need to be quite well versed in this. However,
having said that, there are a few technologies that are widely used to compute
smart farming, and that is IOT. This innovation allows the farmer to monitor
the equipment for farming remotely from their phone.
A few challenges
Although Benedict T palen Jr voices much about smart farming, he always takes every
chance to mention the challenges. According to him, smart farming has a few
definite challenges that hinder the world from accepting it. As smart farming
involves many digital technologies, many farmers need help to be able to use
them well. Thus, they are unwillingly falling short when it comes to the matter
of production. Other than that, there is the cloud computing issue, the
security problems and last but not least, the data. In some places, the power
supply is also an issue. Thus, you can see even when farmland bears the best of
everything to enhance production, very smart farming is posing an inaccuracy.
The conclusion
Although there are a few complications, there is also
a thing that the world is shifting to the digital zone at an impeccable speed. Thus,
it can be conceded that within a very short span, it is possible that smart
farming will become one of the most used modes of agriculture.
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