Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Of Blue Jeans, Great Speeches, And Leadership By Benedict T. Palen, Jr.

One usually does not think about blue jeans and great speeches in the same sentence as leadership.  But they go hand in hand.   Let me explain.

Benedict T. Palen, Jr.

In the world that we live in, social media and changing values can often drive our political views; what is captured in a sound bite might be the news of the day for some political leader.   Some of our so—called leaders are missing two crucial elements of giving hope to their constituents for a better future.  Let’s use Donald Trump as an example.

How many photos of Trump in blue jeans have you seen? Probably zero.  More often than not, he is in a suit and tie, or when “going casual,” khaki pants and a jacket to hide his obese figure.   Why does it matter that he does not wear blue jeans?   It matters because that is a way to relate to the ordinary person, to show that “he’s one of us.”   Imagine talking to a bunch of, say, farmers or factory workers while dressed in a suit and tie. What kind of message, subliminal or overt, does that send?   It matters how we appear to others.   Some politician wearing blue jeans is more likely to be perceived in a positive way rather than some guy who dresses better than us because he thinks that he is better than us.

As to great speeches, they can serve to inspire a nation, to give it comfort in times of tragedy, to give it hope when things are tough, and to create common goals.  How many great speeches have you heard from Trump?  If you are being honest, the answer is none. The Teleprompter is his speech.   For those of us who remember the echoes of history, nothing that Trump has ever said has matched, say, the “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country,” speech of John F. Kennedy, or the words of hope and consolation expressed by Barack Obama or George Bush during some of our most trying times.   We remember those great speeches; they help to give meaning to our lives, and to remind us that we are in this together.

Wearing blue jeans—a simple thing.  Giving a great speech—a simple thing. But, oh so meaningful at many levels.

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